If you have receding or bleeding gums, it is important that you seek treatment as soon as possible. Receding gums, although a common occurrence, is a sign of an unhealthy mouth. Bleeding from your gums, whether from brushing, flossing, or eating, should not occur with normal, healthy tissue. Left untreated, receding and bleeding gums can both lead to the loss of some or all of your teeth. As part of our family dentistry services at 21st Century Dentistry, we provide treatment for both conditions.
Receding gums are not only a sign of an unhealthy foundation, they leave your entire mouth more vulnerable to decay and serious infection. The gum tissues are necessary for protecting the roots of the teeth and holding the teeth securely in place. One of the most common symptoms of receding gums is having tooth sensitivity. When the roots are even slightly exposed, hot/cold temperatures and sweet or sour foods can cause jolts of pain or discomfort to the teeth.